The Stanford Prison Experiment(With Real Footage)

There is another experiment happening in real time that you’re a part of. There’s people being paid to go around with a badge and gun who think they have the Moral Right to be the physical enslavers of humanity. It’s all a game, the world is a stage, and many play along unfortunately. But hopefully for not much longer as a shift in mindset is currently taking place. Emotional Mind Control, Hypnosis, Stockholm Syndrome, Immorality, etc… runs rampant in a realm where good people allow bad people to continue being immoral.

Taxation is Theft.
Government is Slavery.

It ends when you stop allowing other men to control your mind. The whole system needs to be ignored and defunded while we embark on a new way of living. Somehow, someway this must be accomplished or we will spiral deeper into slavery.

Living Morally is the key. To live Morally in full Natural Law requires doing no wrong to others and also not allowing others to do wrong to you. If someone aggresses on you physically and you defend yourself there was only one act of violence taking place. The aggressor breaking Natural Law committed the act of violence. You defending yourself is Moral and Just. It is Not Violence whatsoever. Courage and Bravery are very important qualities at this step of enlightenment.